What are the Best Colors for Bathtub Refinishing

When you want to revitalize an older-looking bathroom, you do not need to tear everything down and start from scratch. In fact, you can save a lot of time and money by simply investing in one change—changing the color of your bathtub. Home and bathroom design choices have greatly changed over the years. What was once fashionable is now seen as old and tacky. One of these clear indicators is the color of a bathtub. Read more

Can I Paint My Bathtub

If you have an older, ugly bathtub that you hate, you have several options for getting rid of the eyesore. You can buy a new tub, which can be expensive and time-consuming. You can also get an expensive plastic cover that gives your tub a fresh look but with a cheap feel. Can you paint your bathtub? The simple answer is yes. You can paint an old bathtub and other porcelain fixtures, like a sink or shower. Bathtub painting, often referred to as bathtub reglazing, is a versatile and inexpensive way to freshen up your bathroom without cutting corners and without spending an arm-and-a-leg. Read more

What Can Bathtub Reglazing do for My Home

There are many reasons to choose bathtub painting in Union NJ, from giving a bathroom new life to repairing minor damage on tubs and showers. There is one benefit to repainting that most homeowners overlook, which is an increased home resale value. When people are on the market for a home, even a rental, they are often first attracted to bathrooms and the kitchen. In some instances, an old-looking kitchen or bathroom can break a real estate deal. Read more

How To Update Bathroom Tile Without Replacing It!

If your tile looks a bit outdated, but it’s still in good shape and you’d like to avoid investing thousands of dollars in new tile, you’re in the right place. In this blog, A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers will discuss a few strategies you can use to update and modernize your bathroom tile – without paying for replacements!Bathtub Painting

  1. Paint The Tile With Urethane-Based Paint To Refresh Its LookUrethane-based paint will adhere well to most types of porcelain tile, and painting your tile can be a cost-effective and fast way to update your bathroom tile, though it’s quite time-consuming if you do it yourself. You can choose a single color, or use multiple colors to create unique mosaic patterns – the only limit is your imagination! 
  1. Paint The Grout To Update Your Bathroom & To Seal It To Prevent StainsYou can also paint your grout to make your bathroom look a bit more appealing. This is a relatively new trend, and while most people choose white grout paint, it’s available in lots of different colors.Best of all, this paint also helps you seal up the grout to keep it durable, and prevents future grout stains. This can really revitalize a bathroom with nasty, stained grout – without requiring you to replace the grout and tile completely. 
  1. Reglaze Worn-Out Tiles To Restore Their Beauty & DurabilityReglazing uses a thin layer of special glaze that’s applied to your bathroom tiles by the professionals at A-1 Tub & Tile. We clean and etch your tile, then spray this glaze, which completely recolors and seals your bathroom tile, leading to a brand-new look – at a fraction of the cost of new tile. 
  1. Refinish The Tiles To Completely Transform Your BathroomTile refinishing is similar to tile reglazing from the A-1 Tub & Tile, since the same basic process is used – a thin layer of enamel is sprayed onto the tiles to completely seal them, recolor them, and make your bathroom look amazing.However, the initial preparation steps are much more involved, so this is much better for worn-out tiles. The tiles and grout will be cleaned, chips will be filled in, and cracks and other damage to tiles can be addressed. Then, the enamel is applied to transform your bathroom tile completely.

Get A Consultation With A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers Now!

At A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers, we’re experts in tile reglazing and refinishing in New Jersey, and we’re always here to help you transform your bathroom. Contact us online or call now at 908-705-2999 to schedule a no-commitment consultation with our expert team.

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How Much Should You Spend On A Bathroom Remodel?

Thinking about remodeling your bathroom in New Jersey? Not sure how much you should spend on your bathroom renovation project? In this guide from A-1 Tub and Tile Refinishers, we’ll discuss the basics, and help you decide how much you should invest in your bathroom.Bathtub Painting

The Average Cost For A Bathroom Remodel In The US Is $10,000

According to HomeAdvisor, you can expect to pay around $10,000 on average for a bathroom remodel. However, this can vary quite a bit based on your location, the type of remodel you’re doing, and the contractor you choose, among other factors.

The costs can also easily be much higher or lower, depending on the project – for a major overhaul of your master bath suite, you could spend $30,000 or more, but for a more economical renovation of a few bath fixtures and flooring replacement, you may spend as little as $5,000.

So, how much should you spend on your project? The answer is “it depends.” If you have a lot of spare cash and want to create a truly unique bathroom space, you may want to invest more in your bathroom. On the other hand, if you’re on a tight budget, you may want to take steps to reduce the cost of your project.

How Can I Keep The Costs Of My Bathroom Remodel Down?

If you’re thinking of remodeling your bathroom but you’re not sure if you can make it work with your budget, here are a few ideas you can use to keep the costs of your remodel down.

  • Look for second-hand building materials near you to find flooring, plumbing fixtures, and other essentials for a low cost
  • Replace your light fixtures with bright, high-quality lights to make your space feel more open and airy
  • Refinish your bathtub or shower instead of replacing it to save a lot of money
  • Avoid installing new plumbing fixtures that will require running new pipe in your home
  • Repaint your bathroom on your own instead of hiring a professional
  • Repair grout and replace broken tiles individually instead of replacing all of your floor or wall tiling

Need Help With A Bathroom Remodel? Contact A-1 Tub And Tile Today!

At A-1 Tub and Tile Refinishers, we can help you restore your tub, as well as other bathroom elements like countertops and ceramic tile. Refinishing your bathroom can help you save a lot of money while still getting a beautiful, comfortable space. Contact us now to get started.

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How Do You Refinish Old Bathroom Tiles?

If you’ve been wondering how to refinish old bathroom tiles, you’re in the right place. Whether you’re attempting a DIY project or you’re hiring a professional to take care of your job, the process of refinishing old bathroom tiles takes just a few simple steps.

Bathtub Painting

  1. Clean The Bathroom Tiles Thoroughly
    First, your bathroom tiles must be cleaned thoroughly to remove mildew, soap scum, and the buildup of hard minerals. Your bathroom doesn’t have to look completely perfect, but the cleaner, the better. 
  1. Etch The Tiles With Acid & Clean Them Again
    When it comes to refinishing old bathroom tiles, preparation is everything. The next step is to etch the tiles with a special acid solution. This acid functions similarly to sandpaper, removing the glossy finish of the tile and replacing it with a matte finish.This is important because the enamel that will be painted onto your tiles needs a rough surface to adhere to. If it was sprayed directly onto a smooth, glossy surface, it would just peel away after a few months or years, leaving you with sub-par results.Once the tiles have been etched with acid, they’ll be cleaned again to remove any remaining contaminants to ensure that the enamel can create a long-lasting bond on the tile surface. 
  1. Replace Grout Or Caulk (If Necessary)
    At this point, it may be a good idea to replace any worn-out caulk around fixtures like your toilet, bathtub, shower, or any other plumbing fixtures in your bathroom. If some of your tiles are loose, they may also need to be regrouted. This will ensure that you get long-lasting results from your bathroom tile refinishing project. 
  1. Spray Multiple Coats Of Liquid Enamel
    Once your tiles have been cleaned, prepared, and regrouted, it’s time to complete the process. Multiple layers of liquid enamel will be sprayed onto your tiles, covering up the original tile and giving it a brand-new, beautiful finish. After this, the tile must be left alone to cure for at least 12-24 hours before it’s walked on or exposed to water.

Want To Refinish Your Old Bathroom Tiles? Contact Us Today!

At A-1 Tile & Tub Refinishers, we can handle bathroom refinishing projects of all types. If your tiles are looking old and worn-out, we can refinish your old bathroom tiles and provide you with a beautiful bathroom you can feel proud of. Contact us online or call us at  908-705-2999 to get started.

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10 Tips for buying new dream house

If you are looking to shift to a new house or want to renovate your existing one, the first thing you will need to think about is the painting. While it may be tempting to hire a professional to do it if you have never painted before, it will cost you a lot of money. Painting your own house allows you to experiment with something new and will help you save thousands of dollars.

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