Commonly Asked Questions About Bathtub Reglazing

Bathtub reglazing is a helpful home renovation/repair technique that benefits many homeowners. Most do not know much about this service, which is often detrimental to a person’s wallet. What could be a quick, reliable, and most of all cost-effective repair often ends up constant thousands of dollars. When someone has minor issues with their tub and does not like the way it looks, they often replace the tub entirely. Below we want to go over bathtub refinishing, and other FAQs associated with this service. Read more

What are the Best Colors for Bathtub Refinishing

When you want to revitalize an older-looking bathroom, you do not need to tear everything down and start from scratch. In fact, you can save a lot of time and money by simply investing in one change—changing the color of your bathtub. Home and bathroom design choices have greatly changed over the years. What was once fashionable is now seen as old and tacky. One of these clear indicators is the color of a bathtub. Read more

Is it Possible to Paint an Old Bathtub

What do you do when your bathtub begins to look old, worn, and broken? For many, the first answer is to replace the old tub, but that is expensive and often does not need to be done. Homeowners have the option of painting their tubs, which is efficient and cost-effective. Bathtub painting is often viewed as the best way to fix minor tubs issues and modernize the look of old, dated bathrooms. Renovations are expensive, time-consuming, and often cause people to leave their home for some time. Bathtub painting is finished in 24 hours, and then you have full access to all features in your bathroom. Have you considered Bathtub refinishing in South Orange, NJ Read more

Can I Paint My Bathtub

If you have an older, ugly bathtub that you hate, you have several options for getting rid of the eyesore. You can buy a new tub, which can be expensive and time-consuming. You can also get an expensive plastic cover that gives your tub a fresh look but with a cheap feel. Can you paint your bathtub? The simple answer is yes. You can paint an old bathtub and other porcelain fixtures, like a sink or shower. Bathtub painting, often referred to as bathtub reglazing, is a versatile and inexpensive way to freshen up your bathroom without cutting corners and without spending an arm-and-a-leg. Read more

Maintenance & Regrouting Bathroom Tile

There are several reasons a homeowner should regrout wall tile in their bathroom. Over the years, wall tile, especially around the tub area, tends to shrink and break down due to steam and hot water exposure. If not regrouted, water can penetrate and cause tiles to become loose, sometimes even causing them to fall apart. By simply regrouting the wall tile with non-sanded grout and recaulking the area where the tile meets the tub, you will preserve and maintain your tile for years to come. A1 Tub & Tile offers this service which takes a few hours for our technician to make your grout lines healthy again. Read more

What Can Bathtub Reglazing do for My Home

There are many reasons to choose bathtub painting in Union NJ, from giving a bathroom new life to repairing minor damage on tubs and showers. There is one benefit to repainting that most homeowners overlook, which is an increased home resale value. When people are on the market for a home, even a rental, they are often first attracted to bathrooms and the kitchen. In some instances, an old-looking kitchen or bathroom can break a real estate deal. Read more

Bathtub Reglazing

How Do You Clean A Reglazed Bathtub?

At A-1 Tub and Tile Refinishers, reglazing bathtubs is our specialty – so we have a lot of experience cleaning and caring for reglazed bathtubs. Wondering how to keep your newly-reglazed bathtub clean, sparkling, and beautiful? Let’s look at a few simple steps you can take to get the best results.


Avoid Abrasive Cleaners To Keep Your Tub Looking Good

First, you need to make sure you don’t use abrasive cleaners to clean your tub. This includes things like Scotch-Brite pads, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, steel wool pads, sponges with an abrasive side, and other powdered, abrasive cleansers like Bar Keepers Friend. These harsh abrasives can damage the glossy finish of your new tub. You should also avoid caustic cleaners like bleach and ammonia.

Instead, opt for a non-abrasive liquid cleaner like Scrubbing Bubbles, Formula 409 (bleach-free), and Lysol Basin Tub And Tile Cleaner. This will provide you with the best results.


Your Step-By-Step Guide To Cleaning A Reglazed Bathtub

All you need to clean your tub is a liquid cleaner, a bucket, and a sponge, soft-bristled nylon brush, or a rag. Here’s what to do.

  1. Rinse it out – Use warm water to rinse away soap residue and hair and to prepare the tub for deep cleaning. 
  2. Lather on the cleaner – Pour your cleaner onto the tub’s surface. Spread and lather it generously with your rag, brush, or sponge. 
  3. Let it sit – The cleaner should sit for at least 5 minutes for maximum power. This also helps disinfect your tub if you’re using disinfecting cleaner. 
  4. Scrub vigorously – Get in there and scrub vigorously with your brush, rag, or sponge, cleaning the entire tub thoroughly. 
  5. Rinse the cleaner away – Rinse the tub to remove any traces of cleaner. Leaving cleaner on the surface of the tub can damage its finish.


As a final step, you could also dry the tub with a towel and buff the surface. But this is only necessary if you want to restore its shine, which may not be necessary after every cleaning.


Need Help With Your Bathtub? Contact A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers Today!

At A-1 Tub & Tile, we specialize in bathtub refinishing and reglazing. If your tub is looking worse for the wear, don’t replace it! Contact us online or call us at  908-705-2999 to learn more about what we do, schedule an appointment, and restore your tub to its original beauty. Our team of experts is always here to help.


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Can Porcelain Bathtubs Be Refinished?

Looking to update your bathroom without spending an arm and a leg? You might be wondering if porcelain bathtubs can be refinished instead of replaced. In this blog from A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers, we’ll discuss everything you should know.Bathtub Refinishing Morristown

Refinishing Porcelain Bathtubs Is A Great Option

First, let’s answer the main question! Yes! You can refinish a porcelain bathtub. Whether your tub is stained, chipped, dull, or is hard to clean, you can refinish it to make it look great – without paying to replace the entire thing!

The process is simple. A professional tub refinishing company like A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers will clean the tub, strip away damaged material, and then apply a few layers of primer and other specialized coatings. Then, a layer of sealant will be applied to complete the process and restore the appearance of your tub.

Usually, you can have your tub completely refinished in just one day, so this is a great option if you want to update your bathroom without spending a lot of time and money on a replacement.

The Benefits Of Refinishing Your Tub Instead Of Replacing It

Why both refinishing your tub instead of replacing it with a new one? Here are just a few reasons.

  • Save time & money – It costs much less to have your bathtub refinished and the process is faster, since you don’t need to worry about buying a new tub, hiring installers, paying to have your old tub hauled away, and other such issues.
  • Restore vintage tubs – If you have a beautiful vintage porcelain tub that’s seen better days, you can restore and refinish it to bring it back to life – and keep it in your bathroom!
  • Refresh the look of your bathroom – Refinishing your tube is a great time to change its color and finish and update it to refresh the look of your bathroom. Whether you only refinish your tub or you want to completely overhaul your bathroom with a full-scale renovation, bathtub refinishing is a great first step!

Contact A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers For Expert Porcelain Tub Refinishing Service

Ready to refinish your tub? Don’t want to go it alone? A-1 Tub & Tile Refinishers is here to help in New Jersey. Contact us online or give us a call at 908-705-2999 to discuss your project and get the tub refinishing services you need to restore your tub and your bathroom.

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